Sunday, August 9, 2009

Normal Function of Body Systems

Central Nervous System
  • Consists of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Receive, interpret, and send signals to the peripheral nervous system. The CNS may also store some messages for later use.
  • A nerve fiber or axon, which is part of a neuron , is a long extension that carries electrical messages away from the cell body and passes them to other cells.
  • The nerve fibers are coated or surrounded by what is called a myelin sheath. Myelin is a layer composed mostly of lipid with some protein that electrically insulate and protect the nerve fibers.
  • The messages transmitted to the brain tell the body what to do.
  • A normal central nervous system is necessary for the body to carry out the most simple and complex life functions.
Immune System
  • This system protects the body from illness, and fights off infections and pathogens.
  • The immune system finds the harmful cells and destroy it from the body.
  • The system is a huge network of white blood cells.
  • The immune system responds to different pathogens.
  • Specific responses occur at a cellular level and a different for each pathogen.
  • Nonspecific responses are those that happen in the same way to every pathogen.

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